sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008
My Sweet Dreams
quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008
domingo, 1 de junho de 2008
My first photo taken off with my new tele Canon 70-300mm IS. We can get photos of animals without approaching very much. In the focal used it was maximum, 300mm, speed 1/400, opening 5,6 and ISO400. I took off others beautifuls birds that exist in this small private zoo in RIBEIRÃO village. In this hour of the day, the animals were in a period of rest without much activity.
Esta é minha primeira foto tirada com minha nova teleobectiva canon is 70-300. Lamento que a bela ave esteja com os pés ocultos, o que poderia tornar a foto mais interessante. Não há nehum tratamento pós-produção, nesta fotografia. Neste zoo particular pude dar largas a admirar essa magnífica coleção de aves, tais como faisões, cisnes, patos (de diversas origens). Há aqui alguns exemplares exibidos, outros poderei apresentar brevemente. Deixo aqui um desafio para quem souber identificar correctamente esta ave, que nos informe.
segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008
Era vésperas de Natal. Como em todas as cidades, nesta altura do ano, há uma erupção comercial que começa nas lojas e expande para as ruas. Braga não é excepção. As crianças eram atraídas por este palhaço que vendia blões, mas transformavo-os em animais de quatro patas. Embora dissesse - este é um gato, tens aqui um cavalo, confesso que eram todos iguais. Mas a imaginação das crianças faz o resto, não é? A cara verde do palhaço, caricatural e longa, e suas roupas me chamou a atenção para uma foto.
domingo, 18 de maio de 2008
What can I say more about Porto city together Douro river? And these 'rabelo' boats , that old they carried wine from wine producer to celebrities 'Caves do Vinho do Porto?. Today they carry tourist from the whole world in beautiful strolls for the river. I took off this photo in a sunday in the hour of the lunch.
segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2008
domingo, 4 de maio de 2008
Do you think that a footprint made in the sand of the moon (without moistness) would have a effect as this? Do you remember the photos of the footprints of Neil Amrstrong in the moon? How it must be a footprint in ' a dry ' sand? I find something strange in this fact? Do you? Did man gone to moon? Read more
segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2008
Santa Rosa Ranch - GOIÁS-BRASIL Canon EOS400D 1/439 4.2
In the Santa Rosa farm, the cattle likes to be photographed. When they see me with Canon EOS 400D, stand all meetings, when I point the machine and say: Muuu! look at the little bird!
sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008
Douro River - PORTO PORTUGAL: Canon EOS 400D 1/640 5.6 ISO100
In December month, Porto city, time of Christmas. Pretty day of winter, with sun and little cold. If you go out with your photo machine in the Douro river zone you can get spectacular situations to photograph. This youngster completely was fascinated with the sight of very typical the marginal zone. Already you know when to come here to take off photos informs to us, who knows meets it in one of the bar to drink a beer or a goblet of Porto wine?
Douro River - PORTO PORTUGAL: Canon EOS 400D 1/400 11.0 ISO400
If you don't know Porto city, I advise you to make it in your next trip. The winter is not very rigorous in comparison with other cities of the Europe, but now in the spring and summer you provide to interesting reasons if to bring the photo machine. You takes off photos and sends us to publish here in MetaFotografia (ehehe). This photo was taken off in December, in full winter.
Roman Colosseum - ITALY - Canon EOS 400D
I don't know the way as I got this photo with the tourist bus, where I circulated, in progress. Well, ISO 1600 helped very much. Therefore everything I think that it is not bad, do you?
terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008
Torre Eiffel - PARIS
I took off this photo with the HP850, afternoon end. I judge that it is reasonable because the machine also has limitations. I also. I am learning very much since that I initiated this blogue. It would like to receive critical. I prefer until they are those that point defects.
Santa Barbara Garden - BRAGA - PORTUGAL
In Braga city this is the best one that you find, I speaking of garden. The city does not have plus none, only blocks of hardened armed that give money. I do not invite you to visit it, certanly it is historical city, that still was happily not destroiyed. But it does not have no green park, buildings only without pleasant a urban planning. Ufa arrives for today!
domingo, 20 de abril de 2008
AVEIRO - PORTUGAL HP850 1/990 5.7 ISO100
I would like to paint a picture like this. As I don't know how to make it, we were for the neighborhoods in Averio city, it was a very pretty day, and we composed that picture. It was as if I had painted it. What could you say about?
sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008
Ranch (Fazenda) Santa Rosa-Goiás/BRASIL H850
Here he is Mr. Pereira de Sousa, with his beige hat, and in his foreman, mounted on his horse pangaré. His is 90 years old, and both off them seems to overflow health and happiness.